The main figures of this project — height of 160 metres, the budget of 1 336 million euro. Besides it, the tower is obviously inclined to effects. Capital Gate, the project of bureau RMJM on 4 degrees have overtaken the well-known tower in Pisa (18 degrees of an inclination against 14).
Art Tower in Dubai
The developer of the project is international exhibition company Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (ADNEC).
“Capital Gate — fine result of a combination of accurate vision, creativity and adaptability to manufacture of the engineering decision. I am very happy with process and would like to express gratitude to all people involved in an embodiment of this surprising project during a life”, — the operating director of group ADNEC speaks Simon Horgan.
Tony Archibold from RMJM has declared, that the technologies applied in the given project, were not applied still anywhere and never in the world.
In a tower hotel Hyatt 5* which will offer visitors of 189 numbers, and also office areas will be located. On 18th floor of a tower it will be placed tea with an open terrace and pool, with a kind on a city and a gulf.
That the building has sustained a non-standard inclination, it is placed on a concrete facade by depth of 2,1 metres; the design represents architectural system in the form of a steel diagonal lattice, which leaves in the earth on 30 metres to provide stability to winds, gravitational and seismic.
Designer Hafsteinn Juliusson from the fantastic country of Iceland has thought up a collection of jewels with the inlaid grass. Giving such product favourite, it is possible to think up a beautiful legend — that for this purpose that the ring has remained, it demands careful and a permanent care — as well as your best feelings…
Live Growing Jewelry
The collection has received the corresponding name — Growing Jewelry, each subject is made manually of silver. The designer guarantees, that, at appropriate leaving, the grass remains green within 12 weeks.
According to the author, this project — redefinition of actual values, a certain hybrid of gardening, a fashion and a life, a live organism.
The collection is intended for inhabitants of the big cities who become more and more torn off by nature. Jewels from a collection will be accessible in the limited series.
This cloud not idle time, it power: the command of leading architects and engineers has shown to the world the concept of unique structure which becomes a symbol of Olympic games of 2012 year.
Inflatable cloud
The easy transparent tower comes to an end with a cloud consisting of inflatable spheres at top. This design will help to create amusing 3D-show with the sky of London.
Carlo Ratti, the representative of one of leaders of the project (MIT SENSEable Cities Laboratory), has described the Cloud as “the new form of collective expression and experience, a symbol of a new epoch: it is a sign, rather than than simply material”.
Artist Tomas Saraceno, designer Alex Haw, expert Joerg Schleich also have entered into a command, engineering group Arup, landscape architect Agence Ter, and also company Google, writer Umberto Eco and professor Antoni Muntadas.
The size of a cloud depends on the finance which will be collected on the project. Every possible resources will be involved in gathering on cloud building, including Facebook and Twitter; Google will provide the project with contextual advertising and promo-campaign on YouTube.
“Obama has shown us a good example — it is necessary to include all possibilities of global community in an advertising campaign”, — makes comments Margo Miller. The project budget is mobile, as well as structure — the Cloud can be constructed both on $5 million, and on $50 million; how many will collect money, on so much and will construct.
The cloud will eat energy of the sun and people, will convert and make the new. The in itself structure of a cloud is innovative; authors consider as achievement a transparency, minimum use of materials at which use the volume considerable quantity will be made.
On a cloud the plasma monitors showing the actual information on event are placed; they will be visible from any area of a city. Screens — especial interest for Google. It corresponds to company mission — to organise the world information.
Penis enlargement strengthens representation of the owner in the external irresistibility, and strengthens man's advantages. The long, thick, well developed penis inspires to the man more deep feeling of the sexual potentiality, the superiority over others, allocates the owner healthy man's "ego".
The big penis it's good!
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The result of increase in a penis causes sharper emotions. The more the penis, the is more contact area and consequently, and the area perceiving external stimulating irritation is more. Therefore, than penis there is more, especially sharp emotions will be tested by the woman.
The Big Penis
Regular customers penis enlargement forum assert, that their family and sexual life was filled with new sense after they "have worked over a penis".
Let's bring results: the penis increase is a pride of the owner. Undoubtedly, representatives and representatives of both floors look on the big member with the big respect and admiration.
Reconstructing appearance of facade Hair Couture Salon, architects, bureaus “x Architekten” should solve the main task — the place is on a silent small street, nearby to trading arteries of a city, therefore it was necessary to make something such to entice people and to be visible from apart.
Lock of architectural hair
The turned out design looks as a three-dimensional lock of architectural hair which recline a wave on a facade.
Simultaneously, such dynamical variant carries out one more important function — the lattice closes that is created inside from passers-by, and creates the necessary atmosphere in salon. From each point of the review the facade looks differently.
The laminated cloths placed vertically on various distance and under a various corner to a front wall, were used as a material for a wave. Individual parametres for each cloth paid off in 3D.
Contextual conformity
To context there corresponds also colour of the laminated cloths — a soft golden shade, somewhere in between categories "blonde" and "brunette".
As it is simple and as it is healthy! So it would be desirable to exclaim, looking at the simple object created by Portuguese architectural bureau Ateliermob. Under an amusing canopy the cafe disappears.
Shadow Surface
Shadow Surface consists of the concrete roof placed on three walls, creating a courtyard filled with sunlight spots, or even the whole hares getting through drawing from round apertures. Through the same apertures rain water inside gets, creating an original show.
The one-storeyed cafe is between this canopy and a children's playground on which there are high windows.
On the lift or on steps from under a canopy it is possible to go down in an underground parking.
The project purpose — to unite surrounding apartment houses.
Form Burj Dubai reminds a stalagmite. A huge stalagmite. According to Wiki, since May, 19th, 2008 this highest construction in the world, from all existing and ever the existing.
The Kilometer Skyscraper
The exact definitive height of a structure is still unknown, and estimated makes 818 meters (more than 160 floors). We suggest you to look at Dubai even above than from height of the bird's flight and will present, what will be a shade from this almost kilometer giant.
Round us it is a lot of prophetic. Of them we so have strongly got used to many, that often we do not give them any value though it's not always justified. First of all it concerns towels which the person use constantly throughout all life.
Towels are necessary in each house
In any house there are some various towels with which tenants and visitors wipe hands, the body, ware...
The towel is the textile product of the rectangular or square form created specially for a wipe of any subjects, including bodies of the person. Towels have appeared many years back. About them there are mentions in the Bible and national legends of any people.
Towels on appearance are very similar to wafers (therefore them and name wafer). They well absorb a moisture (three times better, than terry towels), perfectly mass, promote microblood circulation and a lymph. They can be used both for a wipe of ware and hands, and in a bathroom. In Hotel Bedding Collection Set — are often included wafer and terry towels.
For massage special massage towels from the flax which unique structure helps a body to relax are created. With their help also it is possible to pound a body well.
Well, and on a beach we, certainly, take a beach towel on which it is possible to sunbathe on the sun and to be wiped after swimming. Allocate also special towels for hands. These are towels of the small size which hang up in a bathroom or in a toilet about a bowl for a wipe of hands.
Towels from velour weave from five threads. Four threads form the top and bottom basis of a fabric (them in pairs bind with each other), and the fifth — pile (it is a velvety thread more often). After end of weaving a fabric cut to separate the top basis from the bottom. Other name of these towels — Luxury Hotel Towels.
Besides, towels differ on a material of which they are made. Certainly, most widespread of them is the cotton fabric from which weave towels many centuries successively. The cotton fibre well absorbs a moisture, does not collapse during the big number of washings and is steady against a friction which is inevitable at towel use. On Queen Bed Blanket always at a headboard put a cotton towel.
Towels also make from silk, a bamboo and a paper. Silk towels beautiful, gentle and improbably magnificent, but badly absorb a moisture and instantly stick to a body. Bamboo towels very soft and gentle.
From a bamboo weave beach towels since the bamboo fibre possesses cooling effect more often. From a paper make disposable towels for a kitchen room which perfectly absorb a moisture and effectively clear ware of a dirt and the food rests.
The terry towel is the most favourite towel, gentle and soft in which it is pleasant to be turned after a shower or a bathroom. Weave such towels from the terry fabric which pile turns out for the account of free giving of loops of leaky tense basis. Terry towels perfectly well absorb a moisture, quickly dry and long do not wear out.
Certainly, always it is possible to manage one towel for all occasions, always it is possible to buy not so expensive towel of so low quality, but, you see, when it is a question of such important subject as a towel, it is wrong and very unreasonable!
Architects from LAVA have thought up installation in shopping centre in Sydney. The creation has been named Green Void.
Green sculpture in Sydney
Really green sculpture in height of 20 metres also it is powerful 40 kilogrammes consists of the easy fabric tense on an aluminium basis.
Chris Bosse, Tobias Wallisser and Alexander Rieck from LAVA, Laboratory for Visionary Architecture have thought up installation specially for five-floor shopping centre. The design has been developed by means of digital technologies.
On “Media Wall” it is placed 11 monitors showing process of creation, sculpture installations, and also last international works LAVA.
The main theme of work — mutual relations between the person, the nature and technologies.
Sensual, Green and Digital, installation embody bases of creativity of the authors who have opened recently offices in Sydney, Abu Dhabi and Stuttgart.
Sonaisali Island Resort — magnificent hotel on lonely island. But it is not necessary to miss here — set of entertainments, the fine nature, and the main thing — the warm emerald sea — all it at your order.
Hotel from the Australian architects
The hotel has opened in 1992, it is constructed in traditions of Fijian architecture which so is harmoniously entered in a surrounding landscape. The resort consists of the general premises and a bungalow, shaded by magnificent tropical vegetation. At hotel restaurants it is offered to the menu, made under the influence of Asian, Indian and an European cuisine.
The freshest components are used only, vegetables and fruit are grown up there and then, on island. Also probably to arrange a romantic supper for two at a stellar light, under silent whisper of ocean waves.
Arrangement: at 4 o'clock flight from Sydney, at 3 o'clock flight from Oakland, at 10 o'clock flight from Los Angeles, in 3 minutes of driving from island Viti Levu. The hotel is designed by the Sydney architect, therefore, you to the full like the Australian aesthetics and up to the end will understand local mentality.
In hotel: 2 restaurants, a bar, a car rent and bicycles, shops, excursions, business centre, exchange, transfers from/in the airport, a laundry, a first-aid post, trading gallery from 3 large shops and several boutiques.
The Conference hall offers ample opportunities for carrying out of private meetings, trainings, conferences and seminars. The club for children works daily from 9 o'clock in the morning to 9 o'clock in the evening and offers the whole complex of entertainments for children from 4 till 12 years. In hotel there is a service of co-ordinators (wedding, on the organisation of meetings, on work with the Japanese clients, on work with groups).
Restaurants and bars: — Restaurant Sunset Terrace. — Restaurant The Plantation.
Sports and entertainments: tennis, riding, driving by boats, fishing, a water ski, a paintball, billiards-pool, the TV with the big screen in foyer, tables for Ping-Pong and board games, trips on jungle on motorcycles.
Residential architect Sydney — knows true sense in the Australian culture and is always ready to offer original architectural projects.
The philosophy of design of Australian firm Rezon consists that the Scandinavian traditions with modern lines in necessity of frequent changes unite.
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