Cooper Union — one of the oldest educational institutions in America (since 1859). Establishment specialisation is science and art advancement, and on the basis of idea, that knowledge of the highest quality should be accessible also, as water and air.
In a unification — force!
The internal concept of a building is an engine which strengthens interaction and cross-country-disciplinary dialogue between college and three schools which took places earlier in separate buildings, and today take places under a roof of the uniform centre.
The vertical space is the central place for informal dialogue, an intellectual and creative exchange, it forms heart of a new academic building. All levels of a building, from the first to last floor are connected by a wide ladder.
Visual transparency of knowledge
“Symbolising idea of accessible knowledge, a building openly city”, — is spoken Thom Mayne, by the author of the concept. “The visual transparency of public zones connects institute to a physical, social and cultural component of a city”.
Space distribution: 820 sq.m. of public zones, more 16 000 sq.m. (9 floors) educational zones (laboratory, studio, classes, student's zones).
Mexican architectural company Tatiana Bilbao has created the design project of a university building. The author has inspired on project creation — an ordinary tree.
Biological Penates
The building has received the name “Biotechnological Park Building”. The six-storied structure will shelter researchers and experimenters in the field of the new technologies applied in agriculture.
The project will take places on 8,000 sq.m. of a campus of the largest private university in Mexico (Tecnológico de Monterrey) in the city of Culiacan.
The university concept
The concept represents a complex of the blocks placed in chessboard order. On-opinion architects, such structure is similar to a live, growing tree.
The university education will be taught on the building ground floors — in "roots", and research and business programs — on top, in "crones".
In the Polish city of Żory Nobel prize winner Otto Stern was born. What is known about this place? Now visitors of a city, tourists, investors, partners can find out it directly on entrance, in new pavilion under the bright name “FLAME”. The author of the project — OVO Grabczewscy Architekci.
Fire festival
The city name, Żory means fire, a flame. For city building, it was necessary to burn wood, therefore such name. Traditions remain; in the summer the annual Festival of Fire here is held, on a city logo the small flame is represented.
It is obvious, that the pavilion building should cause associations with fire. The building consists of three independent walls which are imposed against each other. Their composition and an external covering copper gives rise to set of reflexions. Inside concrete designs are left untouched, the floor is laid by a black stone.
In Pavilion two basic spaces. One — exhibition and the second — presentation. Under a glass floor the city breadboard model is located.
The new interior for Parisian shop L'Eclaireur was issued Arne Quinze, by the artist from Belgium.
For furnish of internal territory of a fashion it was required two tons of wooden boards, and also it is a lot of others vintage elements. Into walls it's integrated 147 screens showing various animated plots.
The Vintage Interior
“This place inspires us. We each time try to be beyond easier luxury. This research, search, surprise… Various possibilities for display of necessary expressiveness of data, the actual moment. It not simply stop, is experience. The project has united in itself dreams, emotions, history and memoirs. It's imagination in which each person will find itself.”
In a category of “city architecture”, within the limits of award WAN AWARDS, winners became known: building Beijing International Airport, project Foster + Partners, and plan Nordhavnen City Regenerative, project FXFOWLE. Both projects have outstripped more than hundred competitors, in a nomination of already realised buildings and objects.
City design
The constructed projects: the jury should choose 6 projects among the declared. In a nomination “city design” architectural objects in categories were accepted: "transport", "landscape", "infrastructure", "planning", "city design".
In a category of not constructed projects were accepted both under construction buildings, and conceptual projects.
Beijing International Airport by Foster + Partners
“The Northern Club” it is organised by group of known professionals and businessmen in 1867 year when in British Empire clubs of gentlemen were very fashionable. The four-storeyed building was initially created as hotel.
Elite a citadel of gentlemen
Members of this private club have chosen bureau Fearon Hay Architects for building of the new neighbour for a historical building.
Jet Set Club
The new building under the concept reminds a Winter garden: thin steel lattices, glass — the style inspired by the Victorian epoch.
In this project borders between an interior and an ex-terrier are mixed; they are equally substantial and hospitable.
Bureau Foster + Partners, the well-known British architect, will take part in the program on studying of prospects of building of buildings on the Moon. Details of the project do not disclose, but, according to edition Building Magazine, bureau Foster + Partners will be engaged in studying of the materials existing on the Moon and Mars and potentially suitable for building.
The project will be a part of the big program "Aurora" of the European Space Agency. The representative of a bureau has informed, that a certain tender is provided, but on details to make comments has refused.
Spaceport for Virgin Galactic
The Guardian reminds, that Foster + Partners is engaged in designing of the first-ever private spaceport by request of company Virgin Galactic. Spaceport should open in 2011 in desert in the State of New Mexico.
The well-known architectural bureau
Norman Foster — the winner of every possible architectural awards, architectural bureau Foster + Partners was engaged in the project such known constructions, as: a covered court yard of the British museum, reconstruction Reichstag in Berlin, Hurst's tower in New York, the London skyscraper.